Friday, June 19, 2009

Loving Life at the Beach!

Well, we arrived to Destin, FLA in one piece... all 8 of us! We ran into some traffic, some rain, and more than one unexpected potty break (whew), but eventually arrived mid-day excited to see sand and crystal green ocean waves hitting the white sandy beaches. So beautiful. The kids were surprised at how pretty it was at first sight, and ripped into their suitcases as soon as we moved our luggage into our house to get their suits on. Here are some pics of the week so far... we went to the Crab Trap, ate some great seafood, took lots of pics, played on the beach, lost Judge on the beach - the lifeguards found him, and all has been crazy and wonderful.
More to post later. Love everyone.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Justin and I are looking forward to our weekend with the boys. We are celebrating Judge's 6th and have a weekend packed full of fun - eating birthday cake, seeing Star Trek, a Cook-out, playing outside, riding bikes, and just relaxing!

We are slowly but surely working on our new house, taking one room at a time. Excited to host Thanksgiving in the fall for the family and am having fun picking out new furniture!

Lincoln is wrapping up his Kindergarten year and got accepted into the Advanced Program for 1st - 3rd grade. Soccer ends soon too, so a summer of swimming and YMCA camp is around the corner.

Our next big adventure as a family will be driving to Florida on 6/15 for a week with all of the kiddos! We will post pics when we get back.

Love to all.

Eat. Drink. Be Merry.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring is Here!

C&J in the Arch.

So, it's been a while! Hi! Justin and I have settled down in our new home together and have plenty of room for our kids now. It is the perfect house in the perfect subdivision and we absolutely adore it. We are excited to spend many, many happy years making this our home. It happened quick, with the sell of my house and the purchase of this house all within 30 days. We managed well and are taking it one box at a time. Although, it's spring, and I'm ready to just start working on the landscaping since there is none in our yard. Cheers!

We are looking forward to what spring and summer will bring. Lincoln is doing well in Kindergarten. He's passing his AR (advanced reading) quizzes with flying colors and blazing through books like a champ. He finished his basketball season with Upward and is gearing up for Spring Soccer through the NE YMCA. He's taking a piano lesson on Saturdays too, but not sure he's as excited about this as he is soccer. Always fun. Kelly is growing like a weed and ready to be like his big bro. He loves his Daddy J and walks around repeating a lot of things that Big J says! It is the cutest. Of course, Justin calls the little guy "Whoopin boy" and "pigeon" because, well, he's getting his whoopins for being sassy and then always asks for "1 mo minute" before bedtime!!. ; ) Not sure why, but Kelly's got a Jersey accent. Wata (Water), Paypa (Paper)...too sweet to my ears when he's chatting & singing.

Our new home.

I found an easter egg and I'm going to open it right now!

The Fam.